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Miranda Leung posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, March 20, 2020
劉大姐thank you for the time we spent together, sharing with us your smile, friendly disposition and your caring thoughts for others. Your hospitality and your positive thinking are still vividly on our mind. Remember our visits, Wing was our interpreter, we got to know your experiences, culture and your careers in China. You always asked my children and wanted to know if they had found their soulmates. Do you know that you could do very well if you ever opened a matchmaker business. We teased you one time on that and we ended up with a big laugh. It was always a joy to be with you because you were a very caring person and contented, never heard a complain from you. Now you are in the best home together with 嚴伯伯where you can talk with the Lord and have all your questions answered.
One day we will see you again, then we do not need any interpreter, we can carry long,long conversations, and laugh.
再見劉大姐,missed your hand shake and your smile.
劉小妹and Wing.
William Yan posted a condolence
Friday, March 20, 2020
My earliest childhood memories were of my grandmother, the image I’ve always had as a child was my grandmother making food. In fact, grandma always insisted on cooking and making food at home. One of my most striking memories was when my grandparents came to visit us in Texas. To celebrate their visit, we went to an Italian restaurant where my grandmother complained the food was too expensive and insisted, we cook at home. While this insistence might seem a bit absurd now it spoke volumes about my grandmother’s values and character.
Nai nai wanted to keep things low key to save money so that our small family could establish a foothold in a foreign country. She understood the need for her presence in America, not as a burden unto her own kids, but as a source of cheap childcare. Grandma always put her family above herself, by taking care of me as a baby she gave my parents a shot at establishing themselves without the burden of child rearing. When many would choose a peaceful retirement, she choose to come to America and continue taking care of all her grandkids. By her selfless sacrifice she’d help both my dad and my uncle establish and build the American dream.
Nai Nai lived a simple life. It didn’t take much to make her happy—a phone call, a card, in fact anytime we went to visit her she was overjoyed. Nai Nai always beamed at family gatherings, seeing us all together and doing well. Even though in her later years she had bouts of dementia, to me Nai Nai was always the doting grandmother that always tried her best to give what she could to us. I will always cherish the memories I had growing up with grandma canvasing the markets for groceries, going to the canteen at Jiao Da and walking along the still developing skylines of shanghai.
Perhaps one of my most striking memories during yeye nai nai’s last years together was when I went to visit them in the hospital in New Jersey. While our exact conversation was brief, I remember as I was leaving Ye Ye and Nai Nai looked at me while holding my hand and gently said “the family is all right”. At the end of it “the family’s all right” is their enduring legacy, through their selflessness and sacrifice they have contributed to our shared success.
Thank you, grandma. for filling my childhood with warmth and care. Lastly, thank you for your wisdom, your humor, tenderness and compassion, your understanding, your patience and your love. May you rest in peace; love you always your grateful grandson.
Cherry Zhu posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, March 20, 2020
既是暂别,还会再見!愿神祝福婆婆,远离尘世,归回天家,与主同在,得享安息!— Love, 儿媳 朱樱敬挽
Jianmin Feng lit a candle
Friday, March 20, 2020
掠闻親家母突然去世,我们全家十分的不捨悲伤。親家母是一位非常善良和勤劳的好妈妈和好奶奶。十五年前为了与两个儿子团聚共享天伦之乐,你与老严从上海移民耒美,我们与你们曾经住在同一个屋里两年,曾经老少两家八口人,其乐融融,我负责熟飯;你打扫卫生⋯后来你们搬到老人公寓住,我们也常常耒往。但是由于老严长年患有高血压糖尿病等慢性病,尽管你日夜陪伴照顾,终于不敌病魔于2零一三年去世,留下你孤独一人住养老院。虽然兒子两家常去探望,但是由于你常年劳累操持家务近几年由于骨折多次跌到,又患严重胃病不能进食,导致体力衰退严重,生活/质量下降直到卧床不起,终于不敌病魔离开我们,我们十分的不捨。但愿您一路走好,与老严重逢在天堂,在主的保护下,享受两人世界!- 朱文添冯建敏及全家
Ling lit a candle
Thursday, March 19, 2020
严妈妈,我们依稀还记得10多年前在美国重逢的那个夏天,是在姐夫姐姐的家里,您和严伯伯刚从上海搬来纽约团聚,大家热热闹闹聚在一起,有说有笑,您和蔼可亲的笑容一直让我们铭记至今。自从严伯伯去了天国,虽然我们相聚的次数逐渐减少,您的记忆随着岁月渐渐模糊,但每次相见,您的善良和对我们一家的关爱都依然如故,谢谢您......您和严伯伯将一直在我们心里,我们缅怀您,愿您和严伯伯在天堂团聚,永远平安喜乐!- 朱凌顾铭一家 敬挽 (03/19/2020)
Cherry Zhu posted a condolence
Thursday, March 19, 2020
现在世界瘟疫流行,严煥妈妈重病缠身,不能吃不能自理,她能安详离世也是一种解脱。她的在中国育儿携夫辛苦一辈子,耒到美国与儿孙共享天伦之乐十几年,与世无争,知足常乐。如今她匆匆离世,希望她一路走好,在天堂与主同在,无災无难,喜乐平安。— 冯建敏、朱文添敬挽 (03/19/20)
Harry Yan posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, March 19, 2020
小捷怎么样?小胖你满好啊!小珊在做什么?小宽看上去总那么帅! 见到小五和你先生真高兴! 小六在忙什么?阿苏,毛头一家都很好吗?
当小捷80年代在武汉期间,一家三口每到逢年过节去您家玩,您总是准备一大桌菜招待,盛情难忘。经常在您家见小舅训斥淘气的小严凯,却从不见您高声或发怒,数落孩子也是和声细语,出奇的好脾气!即漂亮又文雅,性格温柔、善良贤惠。这是小舅的福气,也是严凯、严焕的好福气!所以啊,小五记得很小时听二舅和二舅妈议论说小舅挑来挑去总算挑到一个满意的! 珊珊记忆中总是哪位年轻时梳着两条长辫子的漂亮小舅妈! 就连小五的加拿大先生尼尔森都说您的善良友好令人难忘。在老人护理院住着竟毫无人老的感觉,摆出一大堆吃的招待我们,那么平易近人,可亲可敬! 阿苏更是不能忘记您在她小时候特地从福建带燕皮到她家做福建特产燕皮馄饨,使她全家赞不绝口。从小到大阿苏长阿苏短地叫着,好像对待自己的亲孩子。
纵使这世间邪恶不断,毒物横生,您的美丽 伴着美德,善良伴着正义,将永远激励我们度过人生的难关,向美好的明天行进!
安息吧, 小舅妈!
愿您在天堂与您的相爱相守, 享受天伦之乐!
Vivian Yan lit a candle
Thursday, March 19, 2020
I will always remember Nai Nai as someone who was filled with kindness, selflessness, and joy. Some of my earliest memories of her are when she lived with us in Hillsdale. She was always checking up on Michelle and I, whether we were just doing homework or practicing flute and piano. She loved to just watch us in whatever we were doing. Although she wasn’t very talkative or intrusive, she always had a soft gentle smile on her face and observed quietly. Nai Nai also loved to play piano at our house and she would take whatever opportunities she got to play the piano while singing her Chinese songs. It was always amazing to me how she had remembered how to play the piano and the notes to some of her favorite songs, even after she had forgotten some other significant things. She never needed any sheet music and whenever Nai Nai would play the piano, she had the biggest grin on her face and seemed so content.
When Nai Nai and Ye Ye were still living with us at home, I remember how patient Nai Nai always was with Ye Ye. She helped him take his insulin every meal, gave him baths, and always helped wheel him around places. Although Nai Nai wasn’t the strongest, she somehow could always help lift up Ye Ye from his wheelchair. Eventually, Ye Ye could no longer walk but Nai Nai was always willing to help him. When it was just the two of them at their apartment in Hillsdale, Nai Nai always cooked and cleaned for him, never complaining about all of her responsibilities. Even when Michelle and I would visit them, she would always offer food and try to serve us as Nai Nai always put others needs and happiness before herself.
At Rose Mountain, Nai Nai must have been lonely once Ye Ye passed away, but she maintained a friendly and lighthearted spirit which exemplifies her bravery and strength. She befriended another woman at the nursing home named Aida and they became the best of friends. They even became roommates at one point and were constantly teasing and joking with one another. Nai Nai was also known among all of the helpers at the nursing home for her bird noises that she would make every so often that always made others smile and laugh.
Although Nai Nai is no longer with us, I will always remember her and her lighthearted spirit, her kind soft smile, and her strength that was so admirable. Nai Nai was in pain the last couple of years by herself, and I’m glad she’s finally in a better place where she experiences no pain or suffering. She lived a long 88 years, leaving an unforgettable mark on all of us, and I can’t wait until the day we are finally reunited.
Charles Lu posted a condolence
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Out of everyone here in the room, excluding Xiao xiao, I probably spent the least time with Nai nai. For much of my time with her, we stood separated by age, culture and language. The time I did spend with her, I will admit I often found her overbearing and stubborn, and I would get into fights with her when I was younger. Yet despite this, she loved me, she loved all of us. Her face would light up with a smile whenever we came to visit her, proudly pointing to us and saying, “look, my grandchildren!”. She gave of her love freely and limitlessly. And that never changed.
When something has remained constant for such a large part of your life, it leads to you believe that it’ll always be that way. It will forever be strange for me to pass by Rose Mountain, and know that even if I go in, I won’t find Nai nai’s smiling face. It makes me wish I’d gone more often and made more memories than the few bits and pieces I have left.
Of the memories I do have of Nai nai, there are two that are the clearest. . I have this disjoint collection of vignettes, set against difference locations and points in time, the common thread between them being how Nai nai would always be cold. It could be August in New Jersey, and she would still be shivering. It was a quirk that I used to find alien and strange. At the time, I had chalked it up to the overarching condition of “being old”. I had never thought ask, never thought to wonder if some event over the course of Nai nai’s often turbulent life created this aversion to cold, until I would never get the chance.
The other is a scene who’s before and after I can no longer recall. All I do remember is Nainai tucking a flower behind Xiao xiao’s ear and telling her how beautiful she looked. Then tucking one behind her own ear, and she smiled at us, striking a pose like she was about to have her picture taken. Seeing the two of them together side-by-side, made me realize Nai nai’s echo in Xiao xiao, and her echo in all of us. Her kindness, beauty and journey in life echoes in all of us and will forever be a part of the composition of our lives.
Nai nai lived a full life and walked a long path. I hope that in the end, her path led her to a place bursting with sunlight and warmth, where flowers bloom.
Harry Yan posted a condolence
Thursday, March 19, 2020
刘秋萍,祖籍福建莆田,1931年6 月3日生于福建福州, 是家中五子五女中的 么女。她自幼勤奋努力。1951 年从福州四中高中毕业后,考入南昌大学农学系。1958 年与丈夫严祖礽结婚。婚后育有二子,漆下有二个孙 子;三个孙女。
她毕生献生于国家教育科学事业。早期她在辽宁师范学院生物系,后转至铁道部大桥工程局桥梁研究所,最后在上海交通大学材料工程系退休。无论她在哪里,她工作都兢兢业业,认真负责,多次被评为 “先进工作者”。
她于 2020年3月16日在新泽西RWJ 医院安息主怀,享年88 岁。
The family of Qiuping Liu uploaded a photo
Thursday, March 19, 2020
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Harry Yan posted a condolence
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Harry Yan posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, March 19, 2020
(From Michelle) Hi family,
I wish I could be here to celebrate nai nai’s life with her. It is sad, but I want to acknowledge that nai nai lived a great life. Nai nai always did a lot for others-especially those she loved, like uprooting her home and moving to the U.S. for example. She outlived ye ye and fought to the very end, teaching us all many things each time we interacted with her. I am greatly saddened that the coronavirus has made seeing her more difficult but I am glad our family can come together during a time like this. Without a doubt, nai nai is loved, and I hope you can celebrate her life and livelihood with me as I share some memories with her.
When we were younger, I remember nai nai did a lot of things I did not understand or truly appreciate. I remember her watching me play piano silently and nodding. I remember she had strong hands and would always give us advice in Chinese on what to do. She took her leisurely time to wash the noodles, clean the floors, do our laundry, and eat her xi fan. I remember that when she talked she was expressive with her eyes, and that she enjoyed walking around rather than sitting down. One of the most joyous things was going to church with nai nai and ye ye in our big minivan, and it was especially a happy day when they both got baptized, and made many friends at our church.
After ye ye moved to a nursing home, nai nai joined shortly after. Whenever we visited, nai nai would proudly tell the staff we were her grandchildren and family. She would tell Vivian and I that we were beautiful, ask how old we were again, and question us if we found life partners yet. That always made me laugh.
During visits, Dad cut nai nai’s hair and fingernails, and we fed her meals. Nai nai would play for us the Chinese song Wo De Mei Li Hua on the piano while singing it, year after year without fail. I got to play some songs for her on the piano too, and I hope those brought her happiness during the time. A few summers ago, dad and I also brought nai nai outside the nursing home to get fresh air and we picked a pretty pink flower and gave it to her – she reacted with the biggest smile.
In recent years, we would bring nai nai photos of our family that my mom printed. Sometimes she would recognize people in them but not often. However, she did sometimes stare at the photos so I knew that she recognized we were familiar but was just unable to respond to it. Gradually, she was eating less, talking less, in bed more, and no longer had as much strength.
December 21, 2019 (exactly 3 months ago actually), is my fondest memory with grandma. She was in the ICU after being rushed to the hospital a few days before. Nai nai and I spent that entire day together there because mom dad and Viv were in Pennsylvania. There were so many precious moments that I will keep in my heart forever. When I held her hand a few times, nai nai sometimes gently squeezed it or stroked my cheek. Although her words were few those days, she did say a couple sentences that day that I wrote down because I did not want to forget them. First, she said, ni hen piao liang (“you are beautiful”). Then also xie xie ni (after I fed her), “ni hao” to the nurses, and lastly “gao xing ni zai ze li” (I’m happy you are here). Even in her last moments, nai nai was grateful and kind. As I fed her liquified food and encouraged her with a thumbs up, she would give me a thumbs up now and then back. Thinking about that makes me happy.
I’m thankful that she can be at rest now, free of pain. I know that where is in heaven there is great peace and comfort because God is with her and loves her so much. Although I miss her a great deal and am mourning still over her death, I know she is being well cared for in heaven. Rest well nai nai, I love you, and I will be remembering you in my memory. -Michelle
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Thursday, March 19, 2020
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Wednesday, March 18, 2020
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